Access problems

Can not login with received credentials?

Please be sure you type your login and password correctly. Try to copy-paste them if you specify them manually or type them from your keyboard if you have tried only to paste them.

Check that you type password or/and login without any spaces and in correct case (access credentials are case sensitive).

Have not received access credentials?

Please wait for access credentials, all users receive them via e-mail in about 1 hour after they purchased a product but typically it happens in 5 min.

If you still have not received them, use this list as a plan:

  • Wait 1 hour after purchase
  • Check your e-mail once more
  • Check the spam folder of your mailbox or your spam filter

Retrieve the password

No help with previous steps or you just forgot your password? Use this form:

Type the same e-mail which you have specified on purchase process

Check your spam filter again please for getting reset password instructions.

If by some reasons you still have access problems please e-mail us