Support topics for CKEditor Quick Image Upload

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CKEditor Quick Image Upload
Uploading status
7 replies Solved

How can I see the uploading status like the screenshot you made:
After I clicking 'OK', the dialog is just gone. It seems it's uploading in background. Never seen the uploading process or status shown in dialog like your screenshot. (Even on your demo page:
OS: win8.1, Browser: Chrome (39.0.2171.99 m)

CKEditor Quick Image Upload
Version Question
1 replies Solved

I purchased CKEditor Quick Image Uploader + a while ago and I can see in my account, I can longer access files due to my expired license.
Also, it says the files were last updated January 2015.
Do you have some change log information of what was updated/added as apart of this product so I can better integrate the changes?

CKEditor Quick Image Upload

When adding the plugin to my CKEditor configuration file, I get this error when loading the page :
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'doksoft_image_title' of undefined [/code]
Here is what I put in my configuration :
code]config.extraPlugins = 'doksoft_image';
config.toolbar_Testlink =

CKEditor Quick Image Upload
Error with uploader
6 replies Solved

I have gone through everything in your site to try to find the problem but I am officially giving up and now I turn to you.
I have purchased the CKEditor Big Add-ons Pack and have installed the following add ons
doksoft_font_awesome (all good but no creating bitmaps)
doksoft_image (uploader & drag/drop not working)
doksoft_file (uploader & drag/drop not working)
doksoft_gallery (uploader & drag/drop not working)
doksoft_button (all good)
doksoft_youtube (error on search)
doksoft_maps (all good)
doksoft_table (all good)
doksoft_html (all good)
doksoft_alert (all good)
I have CKEditor running on a Zencart 1.5 site and the normal editor seem to be running fine.
I installed this zencart plugin which is basically the editor in a editors folder in zencart and I updated it with the latest CKEditor (I was also having the same problem with the original CKEditor Plugin for Zen Cart).
It was only possible to upload on file to this forum so I upload all screen shots to Dropbox (see below)
Here you can see my configuration files for CKEditor & the Uploader (I have tried web urls and base urls)
There are 3 error messages all pointing to the same thing, these error messages are for
Also you can see what is happening when the popups are ahown (there is no uploader)
Then the last screen shot is from the Youtube plugin.
Please let me know if you require anything else to help me solve this problem.

CKEditor Quick Image Upload
5 replies Solved

I’m using ASP.NET versions, and I performed every action by the Installation.
Checked .dll file, Web.config, Upload directory.
And I checked Chrome “Network” tab.
Why is there “uploader.php”? ( the red script)
I want to use ASP.NET version. every action followed ASP.NET version’s step.
How do I do?

CKEditor Quick Image Upload

The .NET uploader returns a message to the user, if the ImageMaxSize is exceeded. However, the message seems to be hardcoded in Russian: "Недопустимый размер файла"
With the uploader being hardcoded in a DLL, how can I translate the message?
If it's not possible in the current version, can you please e.g. put the messages in settings in the web.config along with the other appSettings? Or put it in editable resource files in the plugin-dir.

CKEditor Quick Image Upload
Toolbar configuration
1 replies Solved

not sure if this is a bug or a failure in my configuration knowledge but unless I have 'Image' specified as a toolbar button I am not able to save <img/> tags into source so your image upload plugin does not function. I do not want the standard Image link to remote source dialog as it does not work for my application. How can I get it to work by just specifying 'doksoft_image' in my toolbar config. I have copied my toolbar confir below so you can test it.
name: 'clipboard', items : [ 'Paste','PasteText','PasteFromWord','-','Undo','Redo' ] },
name: 'editing', items : [ 'Find','Replace','-','SelectAll','-','SpellChecker', 'Scayt' ] },
name: 'basicstyles', items : [ 'Bold','Italic','Underline','Strike','Subscript','Superscript','-','RemoveFormat' ] },
name: 'paragraph', items : [ 'NumberedList','BulletedList','-','Outdent','Indent','-','Blockquote','CreateDiv','-','JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock','-','BidiLtr','BidiRtl' ] },
name: 'insert', items : [ 'doksoft_image', 'Table','HorizontalRule','PageBreak' ] },
name: 'styles', items : [ 'Format','Font','FontSize' ] },
name: 'colors', items : [ 'TextColor','BGColor' ] },
name: 'tools', items : [ 'Maximize', 'ShowBlocks' ] }

CKEditor Quick Image Upload
Multiple CKEditor instances
4 replies Solved

I am trying to setup multiple CKEditor instances.
On page are N CKEditor instances. When uploading photo to first (any) editor - it succeeds, any other attempt to upload (any other editor instance) fails and returns error: "Upload files to continue"

CKEditor Quick Image Upload
Invalid file extension
1 replies Solved

How i can change this text "Invalid file extension" in my text

CKEditor Quick Image Upload
Remove "img" tag
1 replies Solved

is it possible to remove the html tag "<img>" after upload?
All I need is the file name, without any html tags.

CKEditor Quick Image Upload

I have an odd behaviour here. Using the default ckeditor/config.js with the plugin added (of course) I can upload images, that remain in place when re-editing the page. However if I attempt to edit the toolbar setup I loose the image on page refresh! Comment out the toolbar config and the image appears again on refresh... it's most perplexing! Any guidance? :)

CKEditor Quick Image Upload
Plugin Updates
1 replies Solved

I have purchased a couple of CKEditor plugins from DOKSoft, so far. I have to say that I love your plugins!
Quick question:
How do I get updates for the plugins?
I notice that the image upload+ plugin now has the option to change max image size from the plugin UI, my version has to be edited in the config file.
Kind Regards,

CKEditor Quick Image Upload

Everything works fine with the image upload. I can save pictures and zthey are show on the page. But when I want to edit the article again the images are gone also the html code of these images is gone. Somehow it doesn't remember the images. Do you know what I can do to keep the images when I edit the article.

CKEditor Quick Image Upload

I have exact the same Problem Upload works fine. But activate resize produce a HTTP Error (500).
There is no error in the Error Log.
Are there any Systems requirements? (PHP Version, ImageMagick,...) ?

CKEditor Quick Image Upload
Need Help with PHP - config
7 replies Solved

I have an odd set up that supports multiple image upload directories. For example I have multiple directories like so:
So when a user uploads an image it needs to go into "it's" correct ASSETS directory
See my screen shot. The user id is pulled from the URL in a GET call and it is in a variable names $userid
my ckEditor and doksoft items are here:
I believe my issues are in lines 10 and 18
Please help