Support topics for CKEditor Quick File Upload

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CKEditor Quick File Upload
File upload+ API
1 replies Solved

A couple of questions.
1) Is there a way to add post data to the file upload? I need some data to go with the post so I know how to store the images.
2) Is there a callback with status etc on completion?

CKEditor Quick File Upload

All -
I've been using File Uploader in a recent project - and it works really well. The only problem is that it always uses the same default text for the link: Download file.
I would like to change this to show the filename of the file as the link, eg: myDocument.pdf
I have looked at the code in the plugin which is easy to edit:
code]"+"Download file"+"[/code]
I have tried:
but this includes the file path - so not perfect.
How can I insert just the filename?