Support topics for CKEditor YouTube

Totally 7 solved problems
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CKEditor YouTube
Youtube & Drupal 7
1 replies Solved

I got all the plugins working except the youtube. The icon does not show up in the settings or editor. I copied all the plugins into the ckeditor folder and all work but that one.
The plugin checkbox shows up under the ckeditor profile settings, but not the button icon. I am using the ckeditor drupal module.

CKEditor YouTube

I would like to disable the info bars YouTube creates with every video, since they cover too much of the content. I found a line of code which seems to do the trick:
But I don't know where to drop that. I checked within the plugin.js and the youtube.js but I can't find the right spot.
Is there any way to disable these bars?

CKEditor YouTube
Youtube addon
1 replies Solved

It would be very useful if there was an option on the YouTube addon to wrap the iframe in a responsive div as seen on
code]<!-- 16:9 aspect ratio -->
div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="…"></iframe>
4:3 aspect ratio -->
div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-4by3">
iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="…"></iframe>

CKEditor YouTube

I have installed the Youtube addon and it shows in my toolbar. It also opens up the dialog box, but when I enter something in the properties field and hit "search" or paste in a URL it always displays "Search failed: bad request". I haven't made any changes to the components - what can the reason be? (see screenshot)

CKEditor YouTube
No work YouTube link
7 replies Solved

No work
what do?

CKEditor YouTube

I am using your YouTube plugin on a page that also contains a fancybox for images. When the fancybox opens in IE, the overlay is still hidden behind the YouTube video thumbnail. I found a few folks solved this by adding "wmode=opaque" to the embed code. This is fine when adding the code manually, but I need my clients to be able to add videos without coding, so I used the DokSoft plugin. Can I add this code in order to make the thing work in IE?

CKEditor YouTube

I have been working with the CKEditor plubins Sourcedialog and Youtube for quite awhile and cannot get them to work together.. When I call for either one separately they work fine but if I install both at the same time the Youtube one does not work. As soon as I remove Soourcedialog from config.js Youtube works fine. So, has anyone tried the Doksoft Youtube plugin along with Sourcedialog in CKEditor? If I can make the Doksoft Youtube plugin work alongsde Surcedialog I will gladly ;purchase the Doksoft product plus a few more I'm interested in.