Support topics for TinyMCE Google Maps

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TinyMCE Google Maps

First of all I have to say I love the plugin so far (bought it yesterday) except for this quite big problem.
If I add a map to my WYSIWYG (TinyMCE) it works like a charm and I can save the page and edit my texts how many times I want without a problem.
But if I open the dialog to edit the map, with or without making any changes to it, press OK and try to save my page I get an error the next time it tries to load my WYSIWYG.
The error according to my console is:
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 105 of the JSON data"
The error is in plugin.min.js (line 1, col 1760) which is this part:
code]"JSON.parse(unescape(node.attr("data-options")))" [/code]
If I use console.log(unescape(node.attr("data-options"))) I get the value:
The error seems to be that weather_in_celcius (and traffic_layer and weather_layer) is undifined instead of true/false.
When I have first inserted the map and saved everything I get a boolean so it's only when I open the dialog to edit it seems to loose those settings the next time I load my WYSIWYG.
There is also some minor things; like the textbox connected to a marker is placed in the wrong place when I visit my site. It looks great in the WYSIWYG though.
This seems to happen to me in both Firefox (36.0.4) and Chrome (41) on Windows 7.

TinyMCE Google Maps

Please can you explain how to initiate the Tinymce Google maps plugin within a wordpress website? I've really tried many ways but obviously not the right way yet. Sorry to have to ask for help. :(
Kindest regards

TinyMCE Google Maps
Google map configuration
4 replies Solved

I would like to configure the size of the map, but I can not figure out where the values ​​should be written: the site traditionally refer to the config, but I did not find any file with that name ...