Translate error messages from .NET uploader Solved

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Allan E.
08:57 Aug 26, 2014
The .NET uploader returns a message to the user, if the ImageMaxSize is exceeded. However, the message seems to be hardcoded in Russian: "Недопустимый размер файла"

With the uploader being hardcoded in a DLL, how can I translate the message?

If it's not possible in the current version, can you please e.g. put the messages in settings in the web.config along with the other appSettings? Or put it in editable resource files in the plugin-dir.

Support team avatar
10:39 Aug 28, 2014
Oh, sorry, I will redirect this problem to our ASP.NET programmer and send you an update than.
If there are any other errors please list them here too, we will try to fix them.
ASP.NET uploader is a new component of the Upload tools so thank you for patience and understanding.
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Allan E.
11:06 Aug 28, 2014
Thanks for getting back.

Besides the localization of error messages, I have a few inputs/suggestions than you can consider:

- Ability to choose a custom upload directory when uploading. I'm using your module in several different sections of my site (forum, articles, galleries etc.) and would like the ability to use different upload directories. It would be great to be able to specify custom target upload-dir instead of only having one hardcoded path in the web.config. If there are security issues or client/server side issues because of .NET, you could add the ability to specify more than one upload-directory in the webconfig. When uploading you could pass the path or an id of directory to the uploader. I hope this makes sense... (This is a highly wanted feature )

- Making the other settings configurable as well. The values in the web.config should be default values.

- The last one is not a high priority for me, but I think it would improve your product: On an architectural level you should call the uploader using a file (like the uploader.php) instead of using the URL handler. It makes the solution more complex than needed in my opinion and harder to install. Especially because it can conflict with a CMS that typically includes some URL-rewriting mechanism.
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Allan E.
06:31 Aug 29, 2014
One more suggestion (very high on my wishlist):

- Ability to specify filename templates, like "PREFIX_{ORIGINAL-FILENAME}_{DATETIME}". The best solution would be if the filename mask could be passed to the uploader when loading the editor. I have lots of user uploaded files in a forum and it would be great to be able to prefix all files with a userid and postid by adding it as a parameter when loading CKEditor.
Support team avatar
09:04 Aug 31, 2014
Thank you, we have implemented this feature, now it is available in new version of the plugin.
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Allan E.
08:35 Sep 25, 2014