doksoft_uploader asking for a plugin.js file

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Juan D.
01:24 Jun 04, 2015
On trying to use "doksoft_bootstrap_gallery" it asks (it make sense) for "doksoft_uploader" to be installed. So after doing the install, JavaScript Console tells me:
Resource name "doksoft_uploader" was not found at "http://florverde-org:8888/themes/third_party/wyvern/plugins/doksoft_uploader/plugin.js?t=F0RD".
among other things...
 Screen_Shot_2015-06-03_at_8.10.15_p.m..png   110 KB
Support team avatar
08:38 Jun 25, 2015
'doksoft_uploader' is not a plugin for CKEditor, it is just internal component of Bootstrap Tools. Only add 'doksoft_bootstrap_gallery' to extraPlugins in config.js, that's enough to let it work.