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CKEditor Quick Image Upload

I have an odd behaviour here. Using the default ckeditor/config.js with the plugin added (of course) I can upload images, that remain in place when re-editing the page. However if I attempt to edit the toolbar setup I loose the image on page refresh! Comment out the toolbar config and the image appears again on refresh... it's most perplexing! Any guidance? :)

CKEditor Quick Image Upload
Plugin Updates
1 replies Solved

I have purchased a couple of CKEditor plugins from DOKSoft, so far. I have to say that I love your plugins!
Quick question:
How do I get updates for the plugins?
I notice that the image upload+ plugin now has the option to change max image size from the plugin UI, my version has to be edited in the config file.
Kind Regards,

CKEditor Google Maps

I am using CKEditor 4.4.1 (revision 568b5ed).
1. The map is only showing a static image on resulting page.
click search - select test School - select Sports Events - select - 5-a-side Current Events.
2. When I have added a map and d/click on it to edit the properties I get another instance of the map.
3. Is it possible to set the width to 100% (as I am using this on mobile devices)

CKEditor Bootstrap Bundle 3-in-1 OE
Installation Problems
1 replies Solved

I purchased a multi-site version of Boostrap Utils yesterday and have been have various problems trying to get it to work. We had CKEditor installed on our intranet site already so I thought adding a plugin would be trivial.
After lots of trial-and-error I've managed to get the Bootstrap Utils buttons to show up on my CKEditor, but the editor doesn't seem to be Bootstrap-enabled. The way I can tell this is that creating a Bootstrap button creates this source html
code]<p>Download<br /></p>[/code]
rather than
code]<p><a class="btn btn-primary " href="http://">Download</a><br />
which is what I see when I use the online demo)
I've got jquery and bootstrap included in my page.
Any help would be great - I'm burning time trying to get this thing to work.
p.s. My config.js is
code]CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
Define changes to default configuration here.
For complete reference see:!/api/CKEDITOR.config
The toolbar groups arrangement, optimized for two toolbar rows.
config.toolbarGroups = [
name: 'document', groups: },
name: 'others' },
name: 'about' }
config.doksoft_bootstrap_include_jquery = false;
config.doksoft_bootstrap_include_in_container = false;
config.doksoft_bootstrap_include_url_dir = "http://localhost:23231/Scripts/bootstrap-3.1.1-dist/";
Remove some buttons provided by the standard plugins, which are
not needed in the Standard(s) toolbar.
config.removeButtons = 'Underline,Subscript,Superscript';
Set the most common block elements.
config.format_tags = 'p;h1;h2;h3;pre';
Simplify the dialog windows.
config.removeDialogTabs = 'image:advanced;link:advanced';
config.extraPlugins =
doksoft_bootstrap_include," +
doksoft_bootstrap_advanced_blocks," +
doksoft_bootstrap_block_conf," +
doksoft_bootstrap_templates," +
doksoft_bootstrap_table," +
doksoft_bootstrap_button," +
floatpanel," +

CKEditor Quick Image Upload

Everything works fine with the image upload. I can save pictures and zthey are show on the page. But when I want to edit the article again the images are gone also the html code of these images is gone. Somehow it doesn't remember the images. Do you know what I can do to keep the images when I edit the article.

CKEditor Button
CKEditor button not working?
1 replies Solved

The CK editor button plugin is not working every time as you can see in following screencast:
How can we get this working all of the time?

CKEditor Bootstrap Bundle 3-in-1 OE
Bootstrap 2.3.2
1 replies Solved

Is there a version of the product that writes Bootstrap 2 code instead of Bootstrap 3.
Eventually our theme will be upgraded to Bootstrap 3 but this would be a great tool to use before that so if you all have a Bootstrap 2 version I could use it.

CKEditor Quick Image Upload
Multiple CKEditor instances
4 replies Solved

I am trying to setup multiple CKEditor instances.
On page are N CKEditor instances. When uploading photo to first (any) editor - it succeeds, any other attempt to upload (any other editor instance) fails and returns error: "Upload files to continue"

CKEditor Quick Image Upload
Need Help with PHP - config
7 replies Solved

I have an odd set up that supports multiple image upload directories. For example I have multiple directories like so:
So when a user uploads an image it needs to go into "it's" correct ASSETS directory
See my screen shot. The user id is pulled from the URL in a GET call and it is in a variable names $userid
my ckEditor and doksoft items are here:
I believe my issues are in lines 10 and 18
Please help

CKEditor Quick Image Preview Upload

I just purchased this to add into ckeditor running in a Zencart shop.
Uploaded the files, but your instructions for install are not very clear. You refer to files that are either not there or you refer to a file that is there without saying where in the file any content should be placed.
I have tried going direct to the uploader file but I get a blank page with the following source information
code]<script type="text/javascript">, '', 'Resource type (type) is defined incorrectly ()');</script>[/code]

CKEditor Quick Image Upload

I have exact the same Problem Upload works fine. But activate resize produce a HTTP Error (500).
There is no error in the Error Log.
Are there any Systems requirements? (PHP Version, ImageMagick,...) ?

CKEditor Quick Image Upload
Problem with max image size
5 replies Solved

If the max image size box is checked the image file uploads successfully but the image tag is not inserted in the CKEditor. So I added
doksoft_image_default_img_resize : false,
doksoft_image_img_resize_show : true,[/code]
to the config data when doing the CKEDITOR.replace. The box for image resize is unchecked but the resize panel is still displayed.
I'd like to either hide the panel completely since checking image Max Size doesn't add the image tag or fix the problem with the Max Size checkbox.
If Max Size is checked then the following error occurs:
code]TypeError: Cannot read property 'substr' of null in all.js[/code]

CKEditor Quick Image Upload

I try to get Image and upload to work but it doesn`t work at all.
I uploaded both foders into the pluginfolder.
I did it like mentioned in the description and changed the config.js. See here. Unfortunately no icon does appear. What am I doing wrong?

CKEditor Bootstrap Bundle 3-in-1 OE
Annoying behavior
5 replies Solved

We were able to get the Doksoft plugin to work with CK Editor but since installation I`m been experiencing some frustrating behavior.
When you load a content type the focus is at mid-page rather than the top of the page, so you have to scroll up all the time.
It`s virtually impossible to do simple edits in the WYSIWYG view. You can`t remove paragraph breaks for example without going into the source view. A <p><br/></p> is inserted.
The source view contains no line breaks so the code is all in one block making editing difficult.
You can`t click on an image to edit it in WYSIWYG view. If you click on the image it vapors.
You can`t click on a button to edit it in the WYSIWYG view, you have to go into source view.
Text is indented in the WYSISYG view. I can`t find any thing that`s causing it.
Often a <br /> tag is inserted at the end of the content and sometimes at the end of the first line. At the end of the copy a <p><br/></p> is inserted. You must go into the source to clean up the code. This is will be an issue when the site is handed to non-technical users.
I don`t want to get rid of the ability to easily add buttons so I`m hoping there is a solution.

CKEditor Easy Image Upload

J have problem with install Your script,after add config.extraPlugins = 'doksoft_instant_image'; My FireBug in mozilla show error:
code]TypeError: b.ownerDocument is undefined
turn f===""?"1":f;}return;}}},cssNumber:{zIndex:!0,fontWeight:!0..." in plugin.js line 13[/code]
J have Jquery 1.8.2 and CKEditor 4.2.1
Can You help me ? What J'm doing wrong ?