Support topics for CKEditor Bootstrap Bundle 3-in-1 OE

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CKEditor Bootstrap Bundle 3-in-1 OE
Drupal 7 - don't works
4 replies Solved

I use:
1) Drupal 7
2) Wysiwyg module
3) CKeditor module (/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor)
Plug-ins placed in folder "/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins" not displayed ((
See screenshot.

CKEditor Bootstrap Bundle 3-in-1 OE

These two buttons do not work when the CKEditor is set to full screen.
You can view this behavior on your own demo site:
Additinoally, the console shows that JQuery is not defined for both the bootstrap.min.js reference and jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min.js files.
Browser: Chrome v 33

CKEditor Bootstrap Bundle 3-in-1 OE

On trying to use "doksoft_bootstrap_gallery" it asks (it make sense) for "doksoft_uploader" to be installed. So after doing the install, JavaScript Console tells me:
code]Resource name "doksoft_uploader" was not found at "http://florverde-org:8888/themes/third_party/wyvern/plugins/doksoft_uploader/plugin.js?t=F0RD".[/code] among other things...

CKEditor Bootstrap Bundle 3-in-1 OE
Issue with Block Visibility
1 replies Solved

When a visibility setting is provided for a block, there seems to be an issue with unsetting it. For example, setting a block to be hidden-sm (uncheck the visibility) then adding it back doesn't work. In some cases multiple hidden-xx classes are added to the block. A video that better demonstrates what's taking place can be viewed at Demo was done using the editor at using Chromium v43.0.

CKEditor Bootstrap Bundle 3-in-1 OE
Files missing?
1 replies Solved

The "doksoft_uploader" is not working and the mistake that the Java Console prompts is:

http://name-server:8888/themes/third_party/wyvern/plugins/doksoft_uploader/plugin.js?t=F0RD Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) 
The file is not there, in fact it does not come with the files once downloaded. How can I get it?