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CKEditor YouTube

I have installed the Youtube addon and it shows in my toolbar. It also opens up the dialog box, but when I enter something in the properties field and hit "search" or paste in a URL it always displays "Search failed: bad request". I haven't made any changes to the components - what can the reason be? (see screenshot)

CKEditor Easy Image Upload

Install document said, can resize image, does it resize on client side or server side?
it working on CKEditor 4.4.0 ?
it use html5 or flash upload ?

CKEditor Image Embed
Support for IE 9
3 replies Solved

CKEditor Image Embed plugin supports IE 10+ but do you have any support for IE 9?

CKEditor YouTube

I have been working with the CKEditor plubins Sourcedialog and Youtube for quite awhile and cannot get them to work together.. When I call for either one separately they work fine but if I install both at the same time the Youtube one does not work. As soon as I remove Soourcedialog from config.js Youtube works fine. So, has anyone tried the Doksoft Youtube plugin along with Sourcedialog in CKEditor? If I can make the Doksoft Youtube plugin work alongsde Surcedialog I will gladly ;purchase the Doksoft product plus a few more I'm interested in.

CKEditor Bootstrap Bundle 3-in-1 OE
Incompatible with CKEditor
1 replies Solved

We were unable to get DOKSoft's CKEditor Bootstrap Utilities to work with CKEditor 4.3 on a Drupal 7 site. It appears they are incompatible. We were able to get DOKSoft's CKEditor Bootstrap Utilities to work with WYSIWIG but there is a fatal issue. Editing the content results in all of the text to vapor.
Please advise.

CKEditor Big Add-ons Bundle
CKEditor 4.3.4 Compatibility
1 replies Solved

My company purchased the CKUtils Bundle in Sept. 2012. I have recently upgraded CKEditor to version 4.3.4 and the doksoft_image and doksoft_file plugins do not show the dialog when clicking the button in the ckeditor toolbar. Also, the buttons do not have a title on hover. They just show {title} when you hover over the button.
I've inherited this project from another developer and I would like to know if that version of the CKEditor Bundle is compatible with ckeditor 4.3.4?

TinyMCE Google Maps
Google map configuration
4 replies Solved

I would like to configure the size of the map, but I can not figure out where the values ​​should be written: the site traditionally refer to the config, but I did not find any file with that name ...

CKEditor Image Embed

Dear Experts,
We are planning to use CKEditor's Easy Image Embed/Upload add ons for one of the application which will be used to draft email bodies. These messages will then be then sent as an email to the readers.
Most of the readers are using outlook 2010 client to read the emails. Any feedback on the outlook compatibility will be helpful.
Also, Is there any evaluation version which I can quickly test before going to buy the licensed copy. please advise.

CKEditor Bootstrap Bundle 3-in-1 OE
Drupal 7 - don't works
4 replies Solved

I use:
1) Drupal 7
2) Wysiwyg module
3) CKeditor module (/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor)
Plug-ins placed in folder "/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins" not displayed ((
See screenshot.

CKEditor Quick Image Upload

I’ve tried to install the CKEditor add on “CKEditor Quick Image Upload+” with no luck.
I am using ExpressionEngine with Expresso. Expresso works like breeze, but installing the plugin is a problem. Anyone having any experience with this?
Here is what Expresso docs says:
code]You can manually install any CKEditor plugins you want as follows:
Upload the plugin into the themes/third_party/expresso/ckeditor4.1/plugins folder
Edit themes/third_party/expresso/javascript/expresso.js and add the plugin name to the list of extra plugins in following line:
extraPlugins: "headers,mediaembed,autogrow",
In my case it is: extraPlugins: "headers,mediaembed,autogrow,doksoft_image,doksoft_uploader",
I unpacked and uploaded
code] /
I modified

and inserted this lines:
code]config.extraPlugins = 'doksoft_image';
config.toolbar_name = [['doksoft_image']];
config.doksoft_uploader_url = '/';
code]ckeditor4.1/plugins/doksoft_uploader/config.php[/code] I edited theses lines:
if (substr($config['BaseUrl'], -1) !== '/')
config['BaseUrl'] .= '';
if (substr($config['BaseDir'], -1) !== '/' && substr($config['BaseDir'], -1) !== '\\')
config['BaseDir'] .= '/kunder/';[/code]
But despite this, the new image icon doesen’t show up in the toolbar. Just the default one with its default action.
Appreceiate any suggestions.

CKEditor Quick Image Upload
ASP.NET Image Uploader error
1 replies Solved

I purchased CKEditor Bundle: Image and File utilites for ASP.NET/ASP/Java/CF Multisite license
On the Installation, I get to:
Configure upload URL: config.doksoft_uploader_url. Set it to URL of your CKFinder server script.
Where is that supposed to point to?
I am intalling this with the CKEditor for DotNetNuke.
So, my CKFinder folder is here:\Providers\HtmlEditorProviders\CKEditor\CKFinder
I have tried pointing it to the folder. And, to the ckfinder.html in that folder, and to the ckfinder.js in that folder. But, when I try to upload a file, I get the following error: 405 (Method Not Allowed)

CKEditor Image Embed

I have purchased the CKEditor Image Embed product (single user license).
I am using the html generated by CKEditor including an embedded image as an email body.
The email is delivered fine, but the image is replaced by a block.
If I view the email source I can see the embedded image…
code]<p><img src="…..ptbeQUUUVzmx//2Q==" /></p>[/code]
Am I doing something wrong, or do you have a suggestion to fix this?

CKEditor Easy Image Upload

I have just purchased the CKEditor Instant Image Upload add-on and am unable to get it to function correctly. I can see the new button in my editor and when I click it a pop up window opens allowing me to choose a file. When I select a file however and go to check the server - there has been nothing uploaded. I have kept 'config.php' as default (i.e. haven't touched it) and have amended 'config.js' as per instructions. I'm obviously doing something wrong and could do with some help. This is my amended 'config.js' - any help would be appreciated.

CKEditor Templates

I just purchased your templates add-on for ckeditor. I intended to learn how to implement templates in CKEditor. I just found it is obfuscated. Question 1 is : can I get its source code? Question 2 is how do I make it work.
I have already copied all files into /plugins/ and add the following configuration in config.js:
code]CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
Define changes to default configuration here. For example:
config.language = 'fr';
config.uiColor = '#AADC6E';
config.extraPlugins = '...,panelbutton,floatpanel,doksoft_templates,...';
config.toolbar_name = [ ... [ 'doksoft_templater'] ...];
But I can not see its icon in toolbar?

CKEditor Bootstrap Bundle 3-in-1 OE

These two buttons do not work when the CKEditor is set to full screen.
You can view this behavior on your own demo site:
Additinoally, the console shows that JQuery is not defined for both the bootstrap.min.js reference and jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min.js files.
Browser: Chrome v 33